



(ECNS) -- Benjamin Norton, founder and editor-in-chief of the Geopolitical Economy Report, criticized the U.S. for its double standards in accusing China of "overcapacity," pointing out that U.S. allies like South Korea, Japan, and Germany have long relied on heavy exports, yet they have not faced similar criticism.

In an exclusive interview with China News Network, Benjamin also exposed the hypocrisy of the U.S. He noted that the U.S. in history benefited from outsourcing its industries and consequently undermined its own industrial base. However, now it accuses China of causing its developmental problems. Also, the U.S. government subsidizes its own industries while condemning China for doing the same, the expert added.


5月18日晚,西藏拉萨市当雄县纳木错湖畔当地牧民带游客体验篝火锅庄舞。当天晚上,锅庄音乐响起,大家不约而同纷纷前往篝火晚会现场,自然围成一圈欣赏拉萨市各县文艺代表队表演的精彩节目。在“手把手教锅庄”环节,演职人员邀请现场嘉宾、游客、当地民众体验锅庄舞,大家携手共舞,现场热闹非凡其乐融融。纳木错,被誉为“天湖”,吸引着大量游客前来观光。随着旅游业的发展,当地的牧民开始利用这一资源,将传统的放牧业转变为旅游业的一部分,从而改善生活方式和经济状况。(贡嘎来松 泽塔雍错 制作 费璠)